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Writer: kalimatalhikmahkalimatalhikmah

Have patience with regards to your parents.

If your parents have passed away pray for them.

Shaikhul Hadith Maulana Zakariyya RA says:

Every time you give and charity, make a niyah that it is also for the reward of your parents. Make a general niyah that every time you give charity, the reward is also for your parents. If you do this you don't have to make a niyah every time you give charity.

Make dua for your parents. Recite Quran Kareem for the reward of your parents.

If you feel you have wronged them and you pray for them then Insha’Allah it will be wiped out.

When someone would enter Hakeemul Ummat Thanwi RA's khanqah, he would first teach them to have good character. Only then he would tell them to recite dhikr etc.

There are four parts of faith. The first is worship and the other three are good character. We forget this and perform Salah etc., but have extremely bad character and trouble others. We think that after we recite one page of the Quran Kareem we have evry right to harm others, where as this is very incorrect.

The prophet peace be upon him would pass through a path daily in Makkah mukarramah. There was a lady who had so much hatred towards the prophet peace be upon him, that she would gather all the dirty trash, and throw is down on the path when the prophet peace be upon him would pass. This was not a Maulana or a Shaikh, or a Sahaba! This was the prophet peace be upon him. After a while this stopped. The prophet peace be upon him inquired about this woman. He was told she had fallen ill. So the prophet peace be upon him went to visit her. When she was told that it was the prophet peace be upon him she started worrying that something would happen to her. As the prophet peace be upon him and Hadhrat Abu Bakr RA entered, the prophet peace be upon him said don't worry about anything, we are here to visit you and to help you and give you food, because we know there is no one else to do so. The woman started crying, she was extremely shocked. She asked to recite the kalima and became a Muslim.

Her name was Hadhrat Umm Jameel RA.

According to Imam Tahawi RA, every time the prophet peace be upon him's name is mentioned, it is wajib to say sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. [Even though other Ulama have said that once in the gathering is enough]

Whether your neighbour is a Muslim or a non-Muslim, it is still necessary

Hadhrat Abdullah bin Mubarak RA had a neighbour that was a non-Muslim. He wanted to sell his house. He put the value to two hundred thousand. He was told by others that the house is only worth one hundred thousand, they inquired as to why has the price has doubled. He replied that one hundred thousand was the value of the house, and the other hundred thousand was because of the neighbour. He said that even if he fell ill during the night, Hadhrat Abdullah bin Mubarak RA would come to visit him. And because of the excellence of his neighbour he had increased the price of the house

May Allah give us tawfiq

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